Tuesday 24 March 2009

A couple of things...

Greetings fellow bloggers ;)
First of all, when you post can you please put your name at the end so we know which one of us it is.
Secondly, I've given the login details to all our new Youth Councillors so hopefully some of them may be posting soon.
Thirdly, you all need to help me plan the next meeting which will be a full day session. Is there anything which you think should be included in the plan for the day? Ahy particular guests? (we have a few options - I was thinking it'd be nice to have Tony Whitbread who is the Chief Executive come along and speak to us, but there's also Ann Mudd from the People and Wildlife Committee (who we need to write a report to) or Henri Brocklebank who is Head of Living Landscapes, although maybe we should leave Living Landscapes until a second meeting.

Timothy and Leah, don't worry too much about missing the last meeting. It was an important one, but everyone forgets things sometimes. Just make sure you're at the next one which will be even more exciting!

Hope you're all enjoying this wonderful weather now that Spring is finally here. Has anyone seen anything special? I've seen lots of bumblebees which is great, and some beautiful purple violets on the dowons when I was out walking on Sunday before our meeting.

I'll be in touch soon.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sarah

    The functioning of this Youth Council seems to me to have some serious problems of lack of democracy and power for decision making. It would take too long to explain why in this comment but in a nut shell it is being run like a classroom by a teacher and it is NOT what a Council is meant to be! That may be why it has no members in the 16 to 21 other half of the age bracket it is meant to cover (so no member is legally major) and why Callum has not come back, even why two members were missing at the vote meeting last Sunday, where you elected new members without a quorum of existing members being involved. I would wish the whole council to hear my comments.
    Marie-Angel Chevrier


We welcome comments from anyone wishing to join in our discussion or give feedback or ideas to Youth Council members.